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Best Promotional Eco Products

It will not have escaped anyone’s attention that there is an increasing concern for the well-being of our planet. Rising global temperatures, increased flooding, and more extreme weather are constantly in the news.


In the past couple of years, you might have noticed a change in customers' shopping patterns. It is becoming clear that customers are looking towards brands and businesses to be proactive towards climate change. But what does this really mean?


Customers are looking for brands that show how they are tackling their environmental impact. Brands who make responsible choices (like supplying and purchasing branded eco-friendly promotional products) are showing they are interested in the well-being of the planet and the sustainability of their business practices.


At Acrobat, we are increasingly being asked for recommendations for environmentally friendly promotional products. There has been a noticeable shift over recent years. So why not check out our list of the top-selling eco products?


 1)    Eco bamboo pen


Pens are our best sellers. They are always useful and always in high demand. Instead of plastic pens, we recommend our best-selling eco bamboo pen.


Bamboo is a very popular material for eco products. This is because bamboo is essentially an invasive grass species. It grows very fast and is flexible and strong. It’s perfect for making pens.


2)    PLA coffee cup

This coffee cup is an attractive alternative to traditional takeaway cups. Stylish and practical for every coffee run, it is manufactured from PLA. Polylactic acid (PLA) is derived from renewable organic sources such as corn starch or sugar cane. This material is bio-degradable, making this promotional cup the perfect eco-friendly coffee cup. Plus, of course, it’s a multi-use item, so it has longevity for your brand.


3)    Glass drinking bottle

This glass drinking bottle looks the part. In promotional product terms, it’s aesthetically pleasing and is more in the premium range rather than the budget or disposable end of the spectrum. Described as the new essential, eco-friendly water bottles are the ultimate representation of aspirational health. Drinking or water bottles offer customers a way to save money and reduce their plastic usage and the BPD chemicals associated with other products.


Glass is an infinitely recyclable material. This means it can be recycled forever without the material's fibres breaking down. Glass also doesn’t emit or leak chemicals whilst it bio-degrades.



4)    Bamboo 3W wireless speaker

Made out of bamboo, this speaker has four hours of playing time off a single charge. This speaker is ready for any party… or simply playing the radio whilst you work. Small and portable technology promotional items make brilliant gifts. Giving a technology gift has a big wow factor, and this wireless speaker is a great way to impress your clients.



5)    Wheat fibre poo bag holder

In 2022 there was an estimated 10.2 million pet dogs in the UK. That’s an estimated 27% of the adult population having a dog. Whether your brand is pet related or not, you can guarantee that plenty of your clients will have a dog. Made from wheat fibre, these poo bag holders are BPA-free and 100% compostable. Wheat fibre is made from the by-product of wheat production, straw. The artificial polymer it’s made from is completely natural. So you can help your clients be responsible dog owners in true, green style.


6)    Beanie


Keeping warm is essential as we are still in the grips of winter. Beanies are a classic style of promotional hat. There is no better way to create an effortless look and still feel comfortable than a beanie. The impact collection is made with AWAREÔ tracer. AWAREÔ uses sustainable fabric materials that use less water to make. This beanie is also made from PolylanaÒ yarn. A mixture of virgin and recycled materials creates this innovative fibre with a similar feeling to wool. This is the ultimate eco beanie.



7)    Umbrella

As we live in the UK, there is always a chance of rain. Umbrellas have always been an underrated popular product choice for your branded promotional items. Upgrade your traditional virgin plastic umbrella for a sustainable umbrella made from recycled plastic and bamboo. Brighten up any rainy day for your clients with a branded umbrella.



Have you considered your promotional products when it comes to your environmental policy? Contact us for advice and a quote today.